Best Beauty Advice You’ve Ever Gotten

posted in: Skincare tips

Have you ever been asked, โ€œWhat is the best beauty advice youโ€™ve ever received?โ€ Well, we asked some of our favorite bloggers to hand over some of their advice that will hopefully help some of you down the road.


A very wise, older woman in Scotland once told me to always look after my feet, to make sure to have a pedicure at least once a month. Why, I asked. Because your feet have to carry you a long, long way so you should always be sure to care for them. I realized this is true, no matter where we want to go, our feet have to take us there. So I am always sure to include them when putting on lotion or oil and to get a pedicure at least once a month as I fully believe in the power of massage! Having a great pedicure and feet that feel good can make you feel beautiful! โ€“Lindsey from


To wash my face twice a day. Many people don’t think you have to, but I’m a firm believer. This is the one thing I’ve done regularly since I can remember. Other beauty tips, I usually don’t adhere to for long for some reason… I guess I just get lazy. โ€“Charnita Fance



Always take off your makeup before going to bed. โ€“ Marie fromย iamthemakeupjunkie


The best beauty advice I have ever received, is to put on lotion each time after you get out of the shower! Not only is it important to moisturize, but the pores in your skin are more open so that it is easier for the lotion to absorb.- Amy from


The best advice I have ever received is no matter what always stay hydrated. Hydration is one of the key factors in healthy skin. Drink plenty of water, protect your skin with a 30 SPF or higher when exposed to sun, get plenty of rest, and MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE. Apply a good cream or lotion at least once a day.ย Rebecca from


Have you ever received advice similar to these bloggers? We want to hear what your best advice is, so leave it down below!